+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Android: Error retrieving data from the server: [RPC: S -7: AEC-0]

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

I received another message about the problem: "Error retrieving data from the server: [RPC: S -7: AEC-0]" and talk about it in the full version of the article.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: On my mail drops a huge number of applications, and I decided to clarify the situation:

Yesterday I called and told Google about the problem (for those who want to call - 0800328 or 6081 0800026 1478 phones are available: Google Play support) and I was told .chto currently is a server problem. Ie, for the most part the conflict is due to your account and to Google.

 They are working on a fix! No, I do not know when I will solve the problem. Therefore, if you do not help following 2 options - just wait for a solution. This is a problem on the side of Google !!!

You have come here not to simple. Obviously, you're wondering how to fix: Error retrieving data from the server: [RPC: S -7: AEC-0]? Easy.

The first thing to realize is that all errors are solved in most cases. So, do not worry. Everything will be fine. And so begin to heal our nasty error: Error retrieving data from the server: [RPC: S -7: AEC-0]

You need to understand that an error RPC: AEC: _ - This error often associated with failure of CPU / RAM / Devie / Identity

And so, the answer to one question: Do you have attached a credit card to Google Wallet to pay for and purchase applications or other goods Google Play? If yes, then:

  • Go to the link Google Wallet
  •   When authorizing
  •   Remove the attached credit card
  •   Reboot your smartphone
  •   Check whether the error is eliminated
  • Attach the card again
If you do not attach a card, do the following:
  • Go to Settings> Applications, locate the Google Play Store -> Clear data and Clear cache 
  • Then go - Settings-> account-> Google - Remove Google  account 
  • Restart the device
  •  Create and sign in to Google Account
I hope these options will help you to cure the error: Error retrieving data from the server: [RPC: S -7: AEC-0] and one question will be less.

Friends had more than six hours trying to solve this problem from my android phone, seeing that the problem was the play google google enter in my account, I realized I had like 5 different devices connected to my account, remove the permissions these devices can now download and ready all applications,  thanks for helping me out a bit more, a hug
Hello I wanted to know how to reinstall google play services. Wanting install applications I skipped the RPC error: s-7: AEC-7. Try to urge him when I download install burden put and end application tells me not installed.
Lei had to erase data from google talk and now I jump the RPC error: s-7: AEC-0. What do I do? Thank you!
+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

A Fix For Not Being Able To Download Or Install Apps From The Google Play Store

      For People Who Have Tried EVERYTHING And It Still Doesn’t Work !!!!!!”””””””””


To keep a long story short, I had decided to start using an older Android phone of\my wife’s. So I decided to factory reset it so I could start fresh on it. Well after it restarted it immediately began to bitch about not being able to connect to server. Then when I opened the play store everything I tried to download was Error retrieving information from server. I tried everything I could think of but nothing worked. Then hitting the forums and trying everything listed in them at least 10 times. So I was about to just give up then my little voice said try this one last thing and to my surprise it WORKED. Everything was working, updating and downloading. Here are the step to what I did.

  1. Remove all accounts and yes this means do a factory reset
  2. Restart the device
  3. After start up DO NOT and I mean DO NOT create, link or sign in using your google account info. Hit skip this step and let the device fully start up.
  4. After is has started and you have a data connection open the Play Store
  5. At this time NOW sign in with your google account info.
  6. Just sit back and enjoy watching the updates come zooming in.

I don’t know why this worked or how but it worked. I am posting this so that others who are as frustrated as I was, might have a chance at PEACE. May this post save others and lead to calm.

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