+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
fix  BlueStacks error RPC: S-7 AEC-0

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

we tried some solutions from the Internet and often these were not successful and when you try an app from the Google Play Store to download via BlueStacks always came back the error message Failed to retrieve information from the server RPC: S-7: AEC -0. Partly it has helped the error for a short time to fix so, in which one has gecleared and deleted in the settings of the cache to Google services. We had to repeat, however, so often, in principle every time you wanted to install another app, so we looked around for another option.

Deal Failed to retrieve information from the server

We have the RPC error in BlueStacks resolved, we have the APK files easily downloaded from our PC and then installed via BlueStacks. If you perform the normal installation of BlueStacks and then downloading a .apk file from the Internet, then this is automatically linked to the Android emulator and you can then just install downloaded apps by double in BlueStacks. Since the app has been already fully downloaded, there is no longer to the above error message "Failed to retrieve information from the server RPC: S-7: AEC-0" in BlueStacks.

Who does not want to go the way it can as described above also be correct in the short term, in which you delete the cache of the Google services in BlueStacks, which can be very costly in the long run, however.

Do you know yet another possible solution to fix the bug in BlueStacks? If so, then please let us to know and leave us your tips like in the comment section of this page.

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