+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
why my phone gives error rpc: s-5: aec-0 - error rpc: s-5: aec-0

5 Answers

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Best answer

Error rpc: s-5: BC-0

Error retrieving information from server.

* Method 1
Settings> Applications> All> Google playstore, clean cache and uninstalling updates
Settings> Applications> All> Downloads, wipe cache and data
Settings> Applications> All> iode Service GooglePlay, clean cache and data
* Method 2
Settings> Accounts> Google> delete Gmail account
Settings> Applications> All> Google playstore, force stop, clean data and cache
Do the same with Google Play services and Downloads
Settings> Accounts> Google> restore Gmail account
Reset the terminal and accept the terms and conditions of Google

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Solution 1. Go to settings, log in to the application menu, click on the tab "All", get «Google Play Market", click "Uninstall updates" and "Clear Cache". Remove the cache and data for Google service framework and the download manager. Try to install the updates.

Solution 2: Remove account Google. Stop, delete the data and cache for the Google Play Store, Google service framework and the download manager. Add a Google Account, and then restart your smartphone.

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

ANOTHER UPDATE SOLUTION: If even doing the above error keeps coming, you can try to do the following would seem that also works and eliminates the error:

Delete your Google account on the device and add it again.

For this go to Settings> Accounts (Google)> Select your account and delete it.

Then, open the Play Store is going to ask for an account, we chose Existing and enter data Google account before.

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Load the Settings app, click apps, then a select "All"
Next in my view the all find the "Google Play Store" and click on itGoogle Play

Now click "Clear Cache" (Not Data), then a Force Stop.Google Play RPCS-5AEC-0

Next in the same app list find "Google Service Framework"
Click clear data (Not Cache), then a Force StopGoogle Play RPCS-5AEC-0 Fix Error

Switch off the phone or tablet and turn it back on
You should be reliable to download and update apps from the Google Play store eleven more.
Google Play RPCS-5AEC-0 Error Fix Step 4

Enjoy no more RPC: S-5: AEC-0 errors When downloading or updating apps.

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

A long time since I wrote on the blog, and took time to pose the do it again.
A problem with my Nexus 10, has made me regain contact with the blog (maybe this time, keep it hehe).
The problem appeared suddenly trying to update (and install) applications Google Play Store. At all times I appeared in the notification bar the following message:

"There was an error retrieving server information. [RPC: S-5: AEC-0] "

I have to say that this problem may be a result of that attempt to force the OTA (Over The Air) update on my Nexus 10 Android 4.3 eliminating application data Application Framework Google.
There are several possible solutions, from what I've read about them worked, some another, I understand that is a result of the problem is reproduced in different ways and / or actions.
For this reason, I will list the options and the thing is try to see what will solve the problem.
I'll put them in descending priority.

Option 1: Data Clear Google Applications Framework

Entering Settings -> Applications -> All -> Google Apps frame.
We forced closure of the application and delete data (up to completely deleted my data and disable the button, I stress this because sometimes not all data are removed first).

Option 2: Delete Google Account Phone

Entering Settings -> Accounts -> [Google Account] -> Delete account.
EYE: I notice that some data may be lost Keep this in mind appears !.
(The apps are not lost).

Option 3: Factory data reset

Entering Settings -> Backup -> Factory data reset.
Thus delete ALL phone content, leaving a state as when you first unpack the box at purchase (clearly has not been unlocked terminal and installed a Custom ROM)

Option 4: Install Image Fabrica our terminal, or alternatively one Custom ROM.

Alternatively last, but I assure you that you are not going to get to this last option, you can reinstall the entire operating system on your Android terminal.

Add this option because if you choose to install a Custom ROM in most cases as the power experimentaries, usability and quality of your terminal increases exponentially. But this, as I leave for another post or to seek for network of networks.

Hope you helps.
A greeting!

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