+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to update Android and Windows Phone smartphone

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to update the smartphone operating system WindowsPhone

Very often, in front of smartphone users there is a question how to update the operating system on your own phone, and whether it is worth it to update. Today I will try to answer these questions.

To begin, you must determine whether you need to update your phone. Maybe you and so happy with everything? If you are satisfied, then your place, I would not hurry to upgrade their operating system as the original updates are not always successful. The first thing you need to learn in detail about the version upgrade, check out the reviews on the forums, and if you did not find any negative reviews appeared to be updated with something new that you will come in handy for example, then you are ready to upgrade your operating system. For example, after I upgrade their smartphone to a newer version I noticed that sometimes appear black in the browser page or watching videos what is strange glitches, but the amount of available RAM increased by 100-150 MB.

Well if you decide to upgrade your phone, then I gave the instructions below.

How to update your smartphone Android OS

To update your operating system Android you need to go to the settings of the smartphone Then choose "About device / on the phone" and then "Update (Check for Updates)", then your smartphone will make access to the Internet for updates, and then, click "update" and your phone will start to download from the Internet update files. I advise you to update your smartphone using Wifi, unless you have unlimited internet on the Sim-card. Updates can weigh more than 500 MB of all it depends on the phone model.

How to update the smartphone operating system WindowsPhone

To update your operating system WindowsPhone you need to go to the settings of the smartphone Then choose "Update Phone" and then "Check for Updates" After these steps, your phone will make access to the Internet and search for updates if updates bud click "update", and your phone will start to download from the Internet update files. Below I etc.


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