+3 votes
How save chat history in Windows Phone

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Following guidelines WhatsApp for Windows Phone, today we have prepared a short article explaining how to save chat history of WhatsApp. In addition, we also explain how to export your chats.

Perhaps you not know that your WhatsApp messages are saved automatically every day in memory of the terminal. However, the possibility of losing an oversight or deletion thereof. If you do not want to lose your chats you need to make sure the guards and export it manually.

Saving chats
1 First we should be on the main screen, right where all the chats we have open. Click on the three points in the lower right corner.

2nd Then click on the option "Settings" and "Backup".

Note: This feature only saving messages is available and enabled on WhatsApp versions 2.9.2 or higher. Therefore, if you do not have your updated application still we recommend that you head immediately to Marketplace and upgrade.

Exporting manually chats
 If you casually interested save individual copies of your chats on a PC or in your email, WhatsApp enjoys a specific function for it.

1. WhatsApp launches and opens the chat you want to save.
2 Click on the three points in the lower right corner and then on "Information".

3 In the information screen have to move to the bottom and click "Send mail history".

. Note: We remind you that your chat history may look trimmed by existing for the message size restrictions of Windows Mail We recommend that copies the perform directly on the computer, thereby avoid such problems.

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