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by (40.6k points)

Today it is customary to take our mobile phone on permanently, even moving between rooms in our own home, which is why we can limit the calls we receive every day becomes something more grounded, more even if we have the wonderful habit of many telephone companies to contact us at times annoying indeed. 
Although there are systems that establish schedules for our smartphone behavior, most useful in these cases is how to block incoming calls on Android, the operating system will try in this post to be the one that is currently most widespread among users. 
To block calls on Android we will do a free application called BlackList or Blacklist and make life easier for us to avoid calls from numbers like 1004, best-known example that can bother us without asking. 
Other options are also valid, even in the ROMs cooked by Cyanogen, one of the cooks ROMs best known Android scene, including a proprietary application that is integrated within the same terminal options, however the function of this article is that the method to work on any existing Android phone and why we will take the hand of the most simple and effective application. 
With BlackList or Blacklist for Android we can block calls by groups of users, restrict incoming calls to numbers you have in the phonebook and discard all others, or simply add a certain number to the list, to from this moment, you can not contact us until we do disappear from the list or desinstalemos application. 
Using Blacklist to block incoming calls on Android 
The Blacklist Blacklist or application does not have an interface too friendly but running it is quite simple and to block a phone number we'll just follow the steps. 
Highlight your Black List to open the list of phones that we currently blocked, either with calls and SMS or just one of the options. If this is your first time using the app will see that the list is blank. At the top of the list are two standard options for which we can block two blocks telephones; private numbers, those who call us and we identify the operator or displays an "unknown number" and the numbers are not included in our contact list. Under the second option is what can make calls automatically authorize those whose numbers have saved. Enter a number in our agenda then imply authorization to call us.
Cómo bloquear llamadas de un número de teléfono en Android


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