+4 votes
Block Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge calls with suppressed call number

1 Answer

+5 votes

On the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge You can automatically block contacts who call with unterrdrückter number with you. This function is very useful, as it gives you can not be contacted by callers who do not know.

We show you how anonymous callers can automatically block.

For this please open on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge following submenu:

 Home Screen -> apps menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Phone -> Call barring -> CRL

This Android submenu you can now find the option "Anonymous bar calls". You can now activate by means of the slider option.

Now, if someone tries to contact with caller ID blocked, this person is automatically rejected. Here you have no info! Please keep in mind that some public bodies such as doctors' offices, public offices etc. use calls with caller ID blocked. You may not reach of course.

You now know how to reject automatically on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge caller with caller ID blocked.

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