+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to Fix a used battery an unlocked iPhone

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Basic troubleshooting
Tap "Settings" on the home screen and click on "Wi-Fi". Slide your finger on the Wi-Fi switch on the screen to the left to deactivate the function. This tool constantly searches for available networks, which can easily drain the battery if the phone frequently detects new networks nearby.
Click on "Notifications" in the Setup menu and press "Power", located on that tab to disable this feature of the phone. Applications that use the notifications feature send an alert to your phone every time a message or event within the application occurs.
Tap "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" in the Setup menu and click "Get Data. Touch the switch to disable this function income mail. The incoming mail and other data deplete the battery as often your phone sends and receives data from the server.
Press and hold the "Power" and "Start" button on the iPhone until the device restarts on that screen. A background application can be hogging the resources on your iPhone, which uses data and battery life. A hard reset erases the implementation of the fund.
Restoring iPhone
Insert the USB cable into the bottom of the iPhone, and insert the other end of the cable into the USB port on the computer.
Open iTunes and click on the name of the iPhone in the left window.
Click "Restore" and then "No make a backup". Click "Restore" in the popup window again to begin restoring the device.

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