+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Revive the battery of your iPod or iPhone

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

"The batteries do not die, they just need to resurrect or make RFSR or what is the same, Recharge Forced No Surrender. And that recently relived my iPod touch, after more than two years without recharging and oblivion.
As Apple says in the instructions, if you keep one of your saved devices, it is advisable to leave 50% of their charge so that the battery does not die. And so it is recommended; but if by accident, neglect, loss or cualquiero reason is downloaded long the battery will die indeed.
The symptoms are bothersome, since a full charge will not last 3 hours, you will see that is downloaded in its entirety. Much worse when you stop to rest, spending more than three hours you will see that you have downloaded and you have to reload. But if no solution is in logic; back to remind battery duration and performance; revive it.
And how achievement? It is very simple. Do not give up raising him, use it, upload, download using it (I left repoduciendo in low volume for connected days), let it charge overnight, use it until the battery runs out, etc. and preferably do this cycle every 3 days. then do it daily. You will see that the passage of a month ... phew IF ONE MONTH! maybe a little less battery back to normal, and even pays even more and it seems that this technique and renews recharge the battery when the device when it was new.
This technique seems a bit rustic or archaic, but works great as my iPod Touch after more than two years in the drawer; Pure return to normal with new energy and excellent battery renewed. This advice is if an ipod or iphone get your hands with dead battery, do not change, first try this.

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