+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

How I can block attempts to hack aimed at phpMyAdmin?

My website receives thousands of daily visits from different IPs trying to access:

/ php-myadmin /
/ myadmin /
/ mysql /

.. .and Many other variations. There is none of these directories, I have no phpmyadmin on my server.

Do not think any of these attempts have been successful, however they must be taking its toll on server resources and wasting bandwidth, so I'd stop if possible. Have I locked a handful of these IPs but they keep coming back with fresh IPs, is there any way I can prevent this more permanently?Thanks!

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Do not worry. Serving a 404 is a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of work for a web server to do. You could probably serve ten 404 one seconds using a bandwidth 486. The 404 is negligible; GET a small request and a small 404 response.

Seriously; Do not worry. This is just part of running a server on the Internet.

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