+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
ASUS Nexus 7 Tethering y Wifi HotSpot no disponible

Using my ASUS Google Nexus 7, I was trying to do as Portable WiFi Hotspot. But when I opened my settings -> Wireless & networks with no option for Tethering and portable hotspot. I tried this link. Its an app on Play store to activate Wifi Hotspot. Can anyone help me to make this work?


Nexus 7 Android-version - 4.2.2 build number of model number - JDQ39

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Probably you do not have the version that includes a GSM modem.

Suppose you want to set up an ad-hoc wireless network.

Non-GSM versions do not offer tethering options because obviously there is no point in tethering when the device lacks the functionality for GSM mobile data connection. Unfortunately, some rare cases of more use as setting up a local WiFi accesspoint without internet access or Wi-Fi USB-tethering are also not possible then. Only rooted devices or 3 party as CyanogenMod firmware offers this possibility.

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