+4 votes
by (40.6k points)


1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to enable WiFi Hotspot on iPhone with iOS 6:06 Plus 8, have you ever been in the position where you are traveling and you have a very important job to do, but you do not have the WiFi signal? Sure, you have internet on your iPhone 6, but you must use a computer or a tablet to do the job. Or have you been in a hotel without WiFi and you had to use the computer, but can not due to lack era of internet.

Well, what you need is a WiFi hotspot. If you need to use the computer, you can activate your mobile data on your iPhone 6:06 Plus and then share them with your computer or tablet. Basically everything that accepts and connects to WiFi networks is able to receive Internet from your phone.

This is the perfect solution if your hotel does not have a WiFi network and use your computer for work is a must. There are already a lot of tutorials on how to enable WiFi hotspot on your iOS device 7. This time the tutorial is how to turn on iPhone with iOS 6:06 Plus 8.

How to turn on WiFi hotspots on iOS 7


  • Open the Settings and go to Personal Hotspot.
  • There is another option called Personal Hotspot. Tap on it.
  • This will open a new menu. Tap the green circle to activate it.
  • A pop-up will appear with the Bluetooth is turned off. Tap Wi-Fi and USB only.
  • Create a password and select Done.
  • You must enable the WiFi hotspot device on iOS 7.

How to turn on WiFi hotspots 8 on iOS devices (iPhone 6:06 Plus)

Open Settings and this time go to the Phone.

Scroll down and find Cellular Data Network and tap on it.

There is an option called personal hotspot.

Enter a user name and password and come back.

In the Settings menu there is an option called Personal Hotspot.

Also in this case, tap on it and activate it.

It has been successfully activated WiFi hotspots on iOS devices

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