First of all to find your error code and press CTRL + F in the box "Search, find ... (depending on the browser)" entering the code
If you need advice on any code that is not listed, leave a comment in the post or send me a private (Better the second option). smile
List of error codes Play Station 3
80710102 - DNS Error; No DNS server available / The PS3 can not connect to the router with current IP information.. - Try rebooting your router and DNS if your DNS changes play by:,
8001050B - No demo can run the hard disk, while a Blu-ray disc is inserted - Cause unknown
80010510 - No can run games from the hard disk - Cause unknown
8002b241 - DVI has no audio.
80028EA5 - This error is caused by a temporary failure of the ISP. You may rebooting the router and then turning on the PS3 works, but if the problem persists for that day let the router off for a day and if you persist SAT call: 902 102 102
80029023 - timed out waiting for the exchange of key information.
80029024 - timed out waiting for attempting to obtain IP address. Perhaps no good sync with the router or this is failing.
80029564 - The downloaded game can not be installed - Unknown cause.
8002F997 - Can not update XMB firmware.
8003051E - You can not save the game.
80031150 - Failed to save system configuration - possibly a blue screen appears saying that the information system is corrupt, and press the X button to repair and restore the default values.
80130203 - PS3 connects to internet but not to the PSNetwork.
80710092 - An error occurred, has been logged out of PS Network. (Possible drop connection)
80710541 - were timed out waiting for the server.
80010006: - Failed to start. Problem in the installation folder. * Possible Solution: Delete Game Data from Data TOOLS Game on the XMB (No SAVED DATA)
80710B23 - PS Network is down or too saturated to respond. I just hope and try later.
80710D23 - Turn the PS3 for a while (30 minutes or less), with the rear switch (not standby mode).
80029024 - Unable to get IP address. Perhaps no good sync with the router or this is failing.
80028EA5 Unknown - User can not connect to PS Network.
80130182 - No internet access ** The problem is solved only after X time, or restoring network settings of the PS3
8002F997 - Trying to update the firmware by copying the file and installing from USB failed.
80710016 - Playstation Network is down.
8013013E - WEP Key error, change WEP key to all numbers that are (on page router) and try again, or switch to WPA key type.
8071053D - Start the PS3, turn it off and putting it in standby mode, turn the rear switch it and remove the power cord. Then turn off your modem / router for 5 minutes. Then turning the modem and synchronize let him, after turning the router (if you have router, of course), and let him be synchronized. Reconnect the power cord and turning the rear switch. After you configure a new network connection.
8013030F - Check Router Page, SSID Broadasting possibly be disabled.
8002F994 - Too many people downloading the update at a time. Try try again in an hour that fewer people connected (and night).
80410A0B - Hardware failure.
80028F10 - Go to video options and then HDMI (or your type of connection) and select machine, not personalized.
8002A705 - Unable to connect to server / host. Check the router port configuration.
80030920 - An error occurred during the copy process. The file may be corrupted or not enough memory available. Try to copy the data from the original source.
80029752 - PSNetwork The account is being used in another location.
8002AD23 - Problem in the flow of data through the Internet. It may be caused by some ports closed meeting that might be needed, because the router's firewall is restricting some data or line problems. Given this error we must open ports and then check whether there has been NAT2. If the problem still occurs, you can try to activate the DMZ mode on the router settings page, as well as to disable the firewall on the router (if it were available and enabled). Ultimately, if the problem persists, you can call the internet provider company, or test such as the PS3 take home a friend and see if your connection with the same error occurs.
80023102 - A mistake by failing to update the data collection, if you are using a cibertarjeta, may be this is the problem; and if you get this error when trying to enter the data collection, it can be for several reasons: Unknown
80010017: Unable to load the Blu-ray game. This is because the player does not work or play is broken.
8013030: Error in downloading the update.
8003041F: Error copying using Media Server.
80010007: Failed to start. It occurs when Swap with a disc (exchanges).
80010516: Error during the start of the operation. This happens when we make a game SWAP PS1 using the function of running and pressing start quickly.
80029945: Error in the film.
8003051E: The game will not be recorded
8002F027: - Attempted FW downgrade detected
80029020: - Turn off PS3, restart router / modem, and restart and connect the PS3,
807101FF: There was an error while communicating with the server. This is a DNS error. Modify your DNS play by:,
80029513: Copyright violated during the game installation.
80028f17: Error Boot disk (boot) of PS2. This happens when we SWAP of a PS2 game using the function to run and quickly start pressing. Ps2 backup should be reinserted. (Common problem using the method of loading backups by switch).
80010514: Problem reader (test and reset it if not the SAT 902 102 102)
8013030F: Not yet found an Access Point.
80028F19: PS2 disk failure. The disk is corrupt. Try to use the HDD drive to fix this.
8013013D: Connection Failed. Conflict with the SSID of the Router or signal falls to put the PS3 in DMZ.
80028ea6: Connection Failed. Possibly Proxy error. Try to create a new connection.
80410418: Error in DNS. Modify your DNS play by:,
81019002: Failed to copy game saves from location A to location B, since it can not open the port that connects the store but PS3 can connect to the Internet. Check the port settings.
80710723: Problems with ports, try entering TCP port: 80, 443, 5223 and UDP port: 3478, 3479, 3658. or add Ps3 to DMZ.
80710101: Connection Failed.
80030301: Could not complete the registration information of the trophies. It will exit the game
8002A515: An attempt to enter a game file, movie ... this hard disk.
80029564: The downloaded game can not be installed, the cause is not known.
8002A10D: Unable to add a friend on the XMB. Possibly the list of one of the two is full or there is a communication error.
8002A548: the logging in the game or server is not possible.
8002A4A6: Unable to load game to play online.
8002A515: An attempt to enter a game file, movie ... this hard disk.
8002A705: Unable to connect to server / host. Check the port settings on the router.
80028F18: PS2 disk failure. This disc is not supported by software reasons.
80028F1A: PS2 disk failure. Problem in configuring the Network.
80029C68: Problem in external hardware.
8001050D: Failed to start the swap operation for a PS3 game. Re-Enter the game.
80031150: The system failed to record any configuration thereof. It is very likely that we display a blue screen.
80130203: The PS3 can connect to the Internet but unable to store, it is possible that the ports for connection to the Store are not open.
80010001: Failed playability.
80031601: Failed to create an account.
80711008: Could not connect to the server. -Desconocido- See if you have activated UPnP, NAT 2 and open ports.
8002A260 PSN ERROR -> this error is because of the lack of updating the account, Sony update requests sent to all who had a PSN account passing characters password 7-8 characters and being the cause failing to sign some, not to update account data via hotmail, gmail or mail to us to have linked the account.
8001000A: There was a connection error. Router and then restart the PS3.
80029780: The (PlayStation Network) systems have an account disabled / enabled more than 15 times in less than 24 hours. Allow 48 hours without connecting to the game by cuaquier account, that should work.
80023017: Error occurs when entering PlayStation Store for a possible continuation of this. Just wait for such maintenance is finished.
80010009 Failed to start a game (usually happens with GT5 and BlackOps. Solution: Change the Original EBOOT and install any PKG if necessary
8001002B The operation failed Home -> To fix removes the installation of the game (not the saves), but the game data .. then restarts the game to be installed again, it should fix it. /// If this does not help, go to RECOVERY and rebuilding the database and restoring system files should fix no matter what! big_smile
80029519 Intendo down from PSN but cites that the system is corrupt
1. go this route hdd0 / home / user0000 **** / Exdata,
2. back this folder (Exdata) in a memory or external hard drive.
3. remove the folder ps3
4. download your dlc'so things PSN, the PS3 will create a new folder Exdata
5. finally copy the contents of the folder Exdata (in the supported USB) to the new folder on the PS3