+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to find and solve problems with your internet connection from Chrome with Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

We all hate when the internet stops working for no apparent reason. The first steps we take in these situations begin with checking whether the network cable is connected, or if you are receiving the signal from the Wi-Fi correctly, but sometimes, it seems that although everything is ok, no website loaded, the data is not transferred, etc., even when there seems to be nothing wrong with your Wi-Fi or LAN Sometimes this can be caused by certain connectivity problems on your system that prevent you from being online. If you're not an expert user and use the Google Chrome browser, you can try Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics, which is an extension for Chrome that helps you identify problems in your connection, and automatically checks the network connection of your system, helping to discover and correct any problems with it.

Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics and comes by default in Chrome OS, but this app will now allow users of Windows and Mac OS X use the same function. Here's how it works.

When installed from the Chrome Web Store, Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics shown in the Chrome App Launcher, from where you can open it any time you want. When launched, it starts some network tests that usually take from a few seconds to a few minutes to complete. While the tests are running, a progress ring showing the percentage completed in the center of the tool window is.

Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics

If there is no problem the tool, simply shows that the network connection is functioning normally. Perform the following tests to verify your system:

Internet connection available

  • DNS server is available
  • Internet traffic is not blocked by the captive portal (DNS)
  • Internet traffic is not blocked by the captive portal (HTTP)
  • Internet traffic is not blocked by firewall on port 80
  • Internet traffic is not blocked by firewall on port 443
  • No delay in DNS Resolution
  • No delays in receiving responses websites Google

A green check mark indicates that the test has passed successfully, whereas if it is problem, indicated by a red exclamation point. Also you can rerun the test at any time you need it by clicking on the little gear icon in the top right.

Since it is an application of Chrome, and not an extension, means you can launch Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics without first opening Chrome itself. You can download the tool for free from the download link below.

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