+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
I upgraded the IOS7 and since then I can not connect to 3G nor Wifi. My Iphone is the 4s was purchased in Brazil but right now I'm living in Europe (Dublin - Ireland) the operator is Lyca, can anyone help me?

Thanks :)))

1 Answer

+5 votes

Good morning, good afternoon and good night! I'm having the same problem with the 4S Wi-Fi, I'm with him recently and updated in version 7.0.3, dae did that procedure to put the 4S in the freezer and it worked, but after 5-10 minutes he returned to stay "inactive" I decided to upgrade to version 7.0.4 thinking that would solve the case, but to no avail, remains the same. It has no apparatus of note, is if I take on a service they can solve the problem, change the type such Wi-Fi chip?

thank you

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