+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S4 problems after update Android Lollipop

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you have the latest Android operating system Lollipop recorded on the Samsung Galaxy S4 firmware update, it can then first be problems of various kinds. Are possible high battery consumption, non-functioning system apps, hot of the device, etc. Do you have at your Samsung Galaxy S4 after the Android Lollipop firmware update problems, then the following procedure is recommended.
Performs a so-called Wipe cache partition by on your Samsung Galaxy S4. With this method you can delete old system files that are temporary in nature, on the smartphone. These temporary system files cause problems on Android lollipop. This method helps to eliminate in most cases errors in Android lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4.
And so this leads to Wipe cache partition for your Samsung Galaxy S4 by:
Switches to the first thing your Samsung Galaxy S4 completely made by hitting the Anschalttaste long time. Is waiting to complete the smartphone turned off. Now you have to press the following keys and keep the phone on again:
Power On / Off
Volume +
Home button

If the Samsung Galaxy S4 vibrates once, the power on / off button let go, but keep the other two keys from the key combination depressed until a small menu, similar to DOS, appears on the display.
Now mark the entry "Wipe cache partition" means the volume down key. With the power on / off button, the entry is selected and the process is started. This usually takes only a few seconds. Then appears again the previously displayed menu. Now select the first entry with "Reboot system now" and run the command again with a press of the power button. Your Samsung Galaxy S4 will now reboot.
It should now everything work the way you would expect from your smartphone. If this is not the case, we recommend you despite the effort a "factory reset" on the Samsung Galaxy S4 perform. This is usually during an update with version comes useful, but you could save you from the method above. We wish you much fun with lollipop Android on the Samsung Galaxy S4.

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