+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

A few weeks ago we saw how How to implement a web Linode VPS Linux server, but it is clear that this was only the first step to launch a website on a Linux server.

You can see these hosting plans on the following link: www.linode.com

One of the most important points for a Linux system administrator is how to manage and configure the server easily. Install a Control Panel is one of the best solutions to do that, because it allows us to configure and manage a server without the need to enter the command line.

One of the most popular control panels is Virtualmin. Virtualmin is a Webmin module for managing multiple virtual hosts through a single interface, as Plesk or Cpanel. It supports the creation and management of Apache virtual hosts, BIND DNS domains, MySQL, Sendmail or Postfix data.

There are two versions of Virtualmin:

Virtualmin GPL which is free and open source.
Virtualmin commercial Pro version Virtualmin.
Needless to say, the free version offers all the necessary options to control the server without problems. Let's see how to install Virtualmin in Centos.

System Requirements

This is best done in a totally "clean" and upgraded server. We make sure that the server is updated with the following command in the Terminal:

sudo yum -y update

We ensure that our server has a hostname:

hostname -f

We can use the following command to change the hostname:

hostname miservidor.ejemplo.com

or in the case of CENTOS 7:

hostnamectl set-hostname myserver

Download and install Virtualmin


We entered the server via ssh knowing the IP of our server:

ssh root @ IP-address

Downloaded Virtualmin

wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh

Virtualmin installed:

sudo sh install.sh

and we follow the screen instructions until the process is finished.

Completing the installation of Virtualmin

Virtualmin accede to the following addresses using the browser:

https://tuservidor.com:10000/ or https: // server-ip: 10000

Where do login with your username (root) and password.

Immediately begin a process of post-installation really easy where you can choose different features of the system.

In the next article we will see how to properly configure Virtualmin for systems with little RAM and make sure the server.

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