+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to install WhatsApp on tablet without WiFi chip, or 3G SIM

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

WhatsApp on your tablet and smartphone
Virtual Phone Numbers

To use WhatsApp is necessary to register the application with a valid mobile phone number, whom WhatsApp sends a code (via SMS or call) the user must confirm before you can use the application. Users with a cell phone can use their own mobile number for this verification procedure, which does not happen with those who have a tablet without wifi chip, SIM or 3G, which can not receive SMS and conventional calls.

To install WhatsApp on a tablet without WiFi chip, the most practical solution is to have at hand a functional cell phone (no matter if it's not smartphone) to receive there the code will then enter the tablet. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. In the tablet, go to whatsapp.com/android and download the APK file (click on Download Now)
  2. Touching on the APK file to install
  3. Open the application and enter your cell phone number. Click on OK.
  4. The confirmation code will arrive via SMS to that number. Enter it in the tablet and confirm verification.

Note: If an error installing the APK file is generated, go to Android settings and activate the installation from unknown sources option that is commonly found under the Security menu.

In case of failure of verification SMS also can be used for voice verification code via call. If SMS verification failed, it is important to wait at least 5 minutes before using this option call.


WhatsApp on your tablet and smartphone

Keep in mind that a phone number can only be registered or link to one device at a time. Place the same number in a second device WhatsApp display the following error in the first device that used this number:

Has not been able to verify this phone. You may have registered your phone number with WhatsApp on a different phone.

In other words, to register the same number in a second device, the first device will lose access to WhatsApp. To use WhatsApp on two different devices (one tablet / smartphone, smartphone / smartphone, tablet / tablet for example), the recommended option is to buy a chip or sim and temporarily put in a cell either to perform the verification.

Virtual Phone Numbers

If you do not have a conventional cell phone on which to receive the confirmation code, the second most recommended option is to buy a chip or sim and put in the cell of a friend or family member to complete the confirmation process, but you can also buy a virtual phone number. Hushed and applications like Skype or sell Pinger virtual numbers. There are also internet pages with free public virtual numbers, as receive-sms-online.com, but apparently these free resources not used for verification of WhatsApp because the application detects invalid numbers.

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