+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to Get your connection go faster on your mobile or tablet android

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to make your internet connection is a little faster on your android and also perform a speed test 
To this you were using two applications that are available in the Google Store play for free, no need to have root access on your android terminal for use, but if android versions from 4x. the applications in question are: Internet Speed ​​Test and Speed ​​Master 
  Test the application rate is to see if we have the same contracted megs if we are using a mobile network 3g / 4g or Internet speed going slower than normal if you are using a Wi-Fi network. Thanks to this application we can measure, know our bandwidth upload speed and download and when we do it from our equipment whether laptop or desktop, we record the result of tes if it is the first time we do so we can compare it to future audits. It is advisable to test whether the Wi-Fi network or mobile network 3g / 4g always from the same place as ka proximity to rotuter that gives us the Internet service may influence the outcome. Now to do a little better or faster Internet connection on your device either by Wi-Fi networks or mobile networks 3g / 4g will make use of the second application: Internet Speed ​​Master. We run the application we will get a screen where you have to give a click on the option called: Improve network connection, allowing the application performs the process, then going to make a new tees and check with the first result that we have in principle and see if any improvement or no shows.

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