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by (40.6k points)
Why not get your mobile Android M

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+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Last week we came to the Android developer preview of M, the next version will star the arrival Lollipop Fall as it did last year. After meeting some of its features, many of us began to wonder if this new version would come to our phones so dear, it is that despite how much he has improved Android, updates remain a subject that remains to be done.

Android M, got big version changes or continuity?

Since its introduction, we received great information about the features that make a difference with Lollipop, while turn our head hovered unknown How we number M Android?

And is that version after version, we always have a distinctive title in which we find the name of a sweet, and a version number. While the theme of the sweet we do not care much (as it is the commercial name) the version number would be a more interesting DEBATE 5.2 or 6.0?

It is important to address what would numbering Android M, and to give us information on how Google believes his new Christmas sweet. Traditionally, switching unit has been reserved for those versions with major changes, while changes in decimals have been relegated to more continuistas versions.

So far, each unit change has corresponded with a change GUI, so the existence of material design would track us like Android M be a lesser version, known as Android 5.2. Other reasons to support this nomenclature would be that much of the news are corrections of errors Lollipop. Still, for new Pay as Android, Chrome Custom Pages and Google Now on Tap, it would not be a surprise that had just calling Android 6.0

Android and eternal history of updates

Certainly, we could spend hours discussing their virtues or its final name, in the end the thing we most want to know is whether you will come to our hands or touch us stay in the area of ​​fragmentation, an area that neither Google nor other manufacturers They seem unwilling to fix.

Estadísticas sobre cada versión de Android-Mayo 2015 android M actualización

Statistics on each version of Android-May 2015

As with each new version, all manufacturers entering a race for shouting from the rooftops that their last terminal will be updated. We know this story of the past, and always end up asking about the other terminals of the company. Sometimes we are lucky to receive updates to further delay the main models, while in other cases only received an awkward silence.

An example of this is the HTC with their M9 and M9 +, which seems to receive Android M What happens to the M8 and M7, or even mid-range? This attitude makes us think that the M9 will be part of next year uncomfortable silence, is that despite how much it has evolved Android, continue with the old song.

All these manufacturers working with Google are part of the Open Handset Alliance, an association whose common denominator is Android. As members of this association, manufacturers undertake to keep their terminals for 18 months or as long as the hardware allows. So far, the second reason was the cause to which manufacturers use to leave their devices, but it is a trend that should disappear.


Android is still a system that spends large amounts of resources, but the evolution of hardware is no longer as strong as years ago, watching terminals are just turned 3 months as the Nexus 4 unfold in Lollipop with tremendous fluidity. The current hardware is aging quite well and we deserve better upgrade cycles, but the current situation is there.

But Android M come to my phone?

But while the Open Handset Alliance not catch up with the current situation, we have to live with doubt about which devices will be receiving the new update that promises to improve our system. If we look at Google Calendar, we receive the official version at the end of the third quarter, that is, on September this year.

If we make an accurate count, the associated producers to the Open Handset Alliance have committed to upgrade to Android M all dosipositivo released March 2014 onwards. If manufacturers acojen able to upgrade their terminals, we would like data it both high-end 2015 as 2014 would receive their new sweet, right?


That assumption would be correct if realizasen updates are automatically and instantly, which in real life does not happen. Updates require work and cost to reach a stable version that is usually around in a 3-month waiting, even if the version has many errors as Lollipop.

This additive effect on all of that high-end last year allegedly entered the commitment, sees his future hangs in the balance, remain the responsibility of each manufacturer to decide whether to follow strictly the minimum 18 months or extend support, earning a best name in the public.


Fortunately, high-end devices suporte slightly improve, updating its last two generations, but ultimately Google and Motorola are just those fulfilling the commitment, being the highlight event of the Nexus 7, 2012, that during the next month turns 36 months on the market, a stand that doubles the minimum commitment, and we hope will be an example for other manufacturers.

Do you think Android M be a new beginning for manufacturers, or think on the contrary that everything will remain the same? The debate is open.

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