+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to reconcile with Android 5.0 Flame Lollipop

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

It calls the Android app is a must that everyone should install. With Flame, we can completely automate your smartphone and it's free.

We can automate the hours when the phone is muted, when the WiFi is activated, launch automatically apps, among others based on the WiFi network in which we are, the location, the app that launched or any other parameter. Overall it is a very complete app with which you can save time by automating our Android smartphone.


The problem comes with new versions of Android that increasingly limit Llama. And Android 4.0 we saw that the airplane mode automatically and could not now launch with Android 5.0 does not work Lollipop silent mode.


Call the developer has noticed and has made us no problems the lack of silence Lollipop way. Of course, Android 5.1 has become a mainstream and certainly not again have problems.

But if you have Android 5.0 can update manually Lollipop Call to apply an alternative correction that have been developed in Flame. It fails to be total silence but without sound vibration.

Without this correction when configured in Call that quietly put the phone sometimes fails and sound, as the priority mode and not used silence. In addition certainly not able to disable the priority mode.

With version 1.2014.11.18.2216 Flame we mention this correction is applied and we'll have to install it manually.

We must first enable the installation of apps from outside of Google Play Store. To do this we must go to the device settings, enter the option "Security" and then check the "Unknown sources" option.

Then download and install the latest version of Call manually. And ready.

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