+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Lollipop Android 5.0 App gallery No longer exists?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Who already the new Android 5.0 operating system has received Lollipop as an update on his smartphone, the wondering perhaps where the Gallery app can be found on Android.

To make it short: In Android Lollipop 5.0 there is no separate Android Gallery app more. Instead of this app offers Google as of this version only the app "Photos" on. This is unfortunately not so long practicable, as the familiar Android Gallery app.

That is why we empfehelen you the app "QuickPic" from the Google Play Store to download free. This really very good gallery application for Android smartphones offers the already known functions and beyond some other nice gimmicks. Here QuickPic can be downloaded for free.

Whether a gallery will be available again in other Android versions Lollipop is questionable. But we hope that the app "Photos" will be further improved.

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