+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Why Explorer  Shut to open a folder in Windows

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

When will you open multiple windows on the computer, the system must be calibrated by minimizing windows already on the screen when you open a new one. You should not experience Explorer crashes when a new folder is opened on your Windows system. Identification
The first thing you should see when you open a new folder in Windows Explorer is that it is really closed and not just minimized. If you see the open at the bottom of the screen Explorer, you can click on it to bring it back.
If the Explorer really is not there, the problem is most likely an error log. The only sure way to fix your registry is by downloading a registry repair tool. You can also try using the tool defrag your computer.
Last Resort
If these methods do not work, you may need to reinstall Windows or run a system restore. System Restore restores the computer to an earlier date. You may lose some information, but the problem is corrected. A reinstall can cause loss of all data, so again everything first.

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