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by (40.6k points)
5 common mistakes hardware

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+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

System hardware problems can be one of the most difficult to solve, because they prevent the equipment work properly, if at all. However, you can usually trace a hardware problem back to a component that has changed or something that has failed to use. Consider the most common hardware problems to troubleshoot a difficult subject with your computer. Overheating
Overheating is one of the most common problems owners face laptops, because laptops have little room for air circulation and cooling vents are easily blocked. However, overheating can also occur on desktop computers with failed fans or insufficient cooling. Overheating can cause the computer slow and potentially fail. If the computer is hot to the touch, emits a lot of fan noise or fan noise at all, it may be overheating.
Underfeeding or malfunction
Computer manufacturers design their components around including. The power supply of a computer made to order should be able to provide the necessary energy to the components included and some expansions, such as additional hard drives and external hardware. If you have made a significant update to your computer, however - such as the installation of one or more video cards for gaming high power - the power supply can not be equipped to deliver the power they draw high demand components. Many power supplies are controlled by heat fans, and if the fan of your power supply is constant at full speed, can be pushed to its limit. Also you suspect the power supply if the computer crashes while you play games.
Hard drive failure
In addition to the cooling fans and optical drive, the hard drive is the only other component that moves on your computer. A drive motor spins at thousands of revolutions per minute, and finally friction and heat will cause the engine to fail. Hard drives can fail for other reasons, including physical trauma. A modern hard drive contains firmware that controls its state and displays a warning when the unit is close to failure. Hard drives can fail suddenly, however, so it is imperative to keep backup copies of important files. A hard disk can not squealing, scraping or knocking sounds. Windows may also display error messages when trying to read and write files. . Immediately back up the contents of the unit if this occurs
Battery Failure
a laptop, the battery is usually the first component failure - is rare to find a computer manufacturer to replace a battery can hold a charge if it is over a year old. As your laptop battery starts to lose capacity, you find that you can no longer run the computer on battery power, as long as once could. After a complete failure, the battery may be unable to power the computer at all. Since all batteries have a finite life, the only way to solve this problem is to replace it.
Memory Problems
Some of the most common errors that can occur when installing memory are failing to select the correct speed memory module is fully seated and no new modules into the slots. If your computer beeps instead of starting correctly after installing the new memory, turn off the computer and remove and replace the memory modules. If the speed of the memory you have selected is too slow, the computer can boot successfully but randomly collide. Faulty memory modules can also cause accidents. If the computer is unstable after installing the new memory, try to run the team without the new memory modules and see if the problem persists. If this solves the problem, replace the memory modules.

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