+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Google Play Store Download is not finished - depends in status bar

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

When you download an app from the Google Play Store, then it can happen to you that the download is not completed and the download will permanently hang in the status bar. Here, the download will not forge continues despite an active Wi-Fi connection or a cellular data connection. Is that also the case with you, then you can solve this error as follows.

The reason for this is the limitation of the "Background data". If this option is enabled, then the dowload an app from the Google Play Store stuck in the status bar and will not continue.

So in order to cancel the background data restriction you have to choose the setting in Android as follows:

Opens the menu and then the Settings. Select here now from data usage. In the next sub-menu you will find the top right, the three-point symbol. Typing on this and a small pop-up window will open. Typing here now, select "disable Restrict background data".

Subsequently, the background data is reactivated and thus can be continued as usual downloads the Google Play store again.

You know now, what to do if a download from the Google Play store will not continue and unmoved remains in the status bar.

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