+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 camera - set ISO value manually

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The camera of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is one of the highlights of this great smartphone. Certainly you have already tried to find their way in the settings of the camera firmware. You may have also tried to change the ISO speed. But this was not possible perhaps. That is why the question:
How can I manually set the ISO value of the camera on the Samsung Galaxy S6?

This question we want to answer in a nutshell you here.

To change the ISO setting on the Samsung Galaxy S 6, you must change the mode first. Tap to view the camera on the "Mode" and then select the different modes "Pro" as active from.

Only in Pro mode, it is possible that the ISO value can be changed by the user. Just tap the gear icon and then on "ISO". You can now manually specify an ISO level on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

You have now learned, the mode must be enabled on the Samsung Galaxy S6 to the ISO value manually

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