+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Samsung Galaxy S6 set time to active lock screen - solution

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If after the display timeout runs out of the Samsung Galaxy S6 screen, then shortly thereafter the lock screen is usually activated. The lock screen is usually locked with a PIN, fingerprint or pattern. Would you now that after the display timeout of lock screen is not immediately but only activated after a few minutes, then you can as follows define this setting in Android:

Just open the Start screen from the menu, then Settings.

Go to now: Device Security -> Secure Lock Settings -> Lock Automatically

It can now be selected "30 minutes" is a value between "immediate" and.

Set the mark at the geünwschten value you. Finished! Now, if the display of the Samsung Galaxy S6 disables timeout after the display, then now is the time must first elapse until the activation of the lock screen, you just set.

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