+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Disable Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Time on page screen at night

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

If your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, it may be that at night the side screen displays the current time. This feature is on the smartphone "Night Watch" and is a feature of the new curved displays. The night watch on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is it possible to make the time at night to read quickly. However, determined some of you will have such a deep sleep that night clock is not needed and therefore can be disabled on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. We show you where to find the right attitude towards it on your smartphone:
Opens to from the home screen: Menu -> Settings -> Screen page àNachtuhr

Here you can now completely disable the night watch by the regulator. Thus, you will appear in the future at night no more time on the side screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.

You know now how to turn off on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge time on the side of the screen at night.

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