+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Clear Samsung Galaxy S6 homescreen page - Solved!

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you have created with the Samsung Galaxy S 6 different pages on the homescreen, then it can happen after some time, you want to reduce them again. You must delete the homescreen pages without apps on it. How can amn on the Samsung Galaxy S6 homescreen page erase, we want you here today to explain in more detail.

These returns as First back to the home screen of your Samsung Galaxy S 6. Now leads the "Zoom Out" finger movement on the screen or press once and hold the left soft key button. You see now reduces all your homescreen pages. If you empty the home screen page is displayed, tap on the finger and stays on until this easily stands out. Simultaneously, a recycle bin is displayed at the top of the screen.

Now attracts the empty Home screen page in the trash to delete it.

You now know how to on the Samsung Galaxy S6 an empty home screen page to delete.

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