+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Clear app - Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

You can install it on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge many different apps. There are sources like the Google Play Store or the Amazon App Market. Through third-party apps you can use the features of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge optimal.

If you have installed a lot of apps on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, then you want to delete some of them again for sure from the internal memory. We show in this article how you can delete on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge APPD. Proceed in Android please follow these steps:

Open the Home Screen from the menu, and then search for the app you want to uninstall. Tap on the top right on "Edit". This is all the apps that are currently displayed on the screen provided with a minus symbol. This icon can now delete the apps on your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge that you no longer need.

If you have an app Tap and the message: Uninstall application

Tapping the button "Uninstall" to continue the deletion. Finished! You have just successfully an app on your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge uninstalled. Is followed with all apps that you want to remove from your smartphone like.

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