+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Samsung Galaxy S6 create more space for apps on your homescreen - Resolved

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

On the Samsung Galaxy S6 you can place on your homescreen to 16 apps from the factory. If you place the apps on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is too low, then there is the possibility to extend this. Because it is possible to enlarge the app grid. So then up to 25 apps can be arranged at the same time on a home screen page.

We now how to explain to you on the Samsung Galaxy S6 the grid for Apps may increase on the home screen.

These taps on your homescreen long the finger at an empty space. The home screen will now display in a smaller version. At the bottom of the screen you can a menubar sehen.Tippt there on the "grid".

It can now be selected from the following screen for apps:

4 x 4 Apps
4 x 5 Apps
5 x 5 Apps
Once your have made your selection and pressed the button "Apply", this will be taken on the homescreen.

You know now how you can put more apps on your Samsung Galaxy S6 per homescreen page.

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