+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Samsung Galaxy S6 Alternative lock screen security

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

There are on the Samsung Galaxy S6 different methods lock screen, also called Lockscreen unlock. Options are:

Fingerprint Scanner
In addition to the above methods, there are still another who probably know only very few of you:

Directional lock
The Rihctungssperre the lock screen can be unlocked by drawing a series of four to eight directions. The directions are possible here up, down left and right. This function to unlock the lock screen can be set as follows on the Samsung Galaxy S6:

Opens from the home screen: Menu -> Settings -> Input Help -> direction lock

This can now be enabled by the controller is placed at the top of "Off" to "On". Immediately following opens a small wizard that helps you set up the direction lock. Entering the direction sequence is then as follows:

Directional lock


After the wizard is complete, you can use this new kind of Entsperrmethode on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

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