+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 image change lock screen - solution

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Currently, the HypoVereinsbank short HVB offers a checking account at its opening a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 WiFi 3 is obtained. The current account is in itself costs 7.90 euros a month and is called "checking account comfort".

This includes the following services:

Free access to online banking
Free transfers to self-service terminals in 615 branches HVB
Free transfers for telephone banking
SMS service for any transaction: € 0.09 per SMS
HVB EC card free
MasterCard for 40 € a year
To get 3 Samsung Galaxy Tab has the following requirement to be met:

1. Opening of "HVB Account comfort" until 28.02.2013

2. The account must have a regular monthly deposit, such as salary or pension. Furthermore, it must be said at least 800 euros. Thus, the account must be held after the opening. This is the prerequisite for the preservation of the Samsung Galaxy Tab.

Important! To avoid being charged for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 of HVB, you should not cancel the account again 12 months ago. Otherwise, 180 euros will be charged to the account by HVB.

If you really want have the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 un anyway wants to open a checking account at HVB that can view the offer times. We strongly recommend you to look further, since the conditions for this account are not really attractive.

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