+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
LG G4 change background image Home Screen

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

The LG G4 equipped with Android operating system, of course, offers the possibility to change the background image of the Home screens. So you can always see your favorite motif on the home screen when you return to this. We show in this article how you can set a background image for the home screen on the LG G4. To do so, please as follows:
Open the Android menu and then the Settings. Scroll to Display -> Home Screen and Lock -> Home Screen -> Background
This sub-menu of your LG G4 You can set a background image now. Choose to either an image of the Android system, or select an image from the Gallery or from you made downloads from.
If you have made your selection, you can still compose the picture, you want to appear as a background. "Finish" the picture is taken Wallpaper as your homescreen.
Super You have just adjusted on the LG G4 the wallpaper of Sratbildschirms.

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