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by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S 6 background image moves - solution

1 Answer

+3 votes

If you've spent the first few minutes with your new Samsung Galaxy S6, then you will probably have noticed that the background image moves when your smartphone is shaking back and forth. This effect is the so-called parallax effect. It should also allow that from every angle of the display is easy to read. However, since the parallax effect is very used to, want to determine some of you disable it on the Samsung Galaxy S 6.

Here, however, we have to disappoint you, unfortunately. For the Parallax effect kan not be disabled with the currently available Android version 5.0.2.

Certainly, but Samsung will install on a new firmware update an option to disable the Parallax effect on the Samsung Galaxy S 6. If so, then we will inform you here on wikiwhy about it.

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