+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S 6 USB Debugging

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you want to connect your Samsung Galaxy S6 to the computer via USB cable, it may happen that the smartphone is not recognized as a media device but only as a camera. So files can not be copied or moved. Only the camera can be accessed. Is that your Samsung Galaxy S6 also the case, please proceeds as follows to obtain a USB connection via which you can access the file system:

This requires that the USB debugging on the Samsung Galaxy S 6 are activated. This option can be found in the developer options.

As the developer options in Android are not visible at the beginning and only have to be activated, we want to show you here how this works on the Samsung Galaxy S6:

About the Developers options you can play on your Samsung Galaxy S6 change various options to improve the performance of the device or to optimize. To activate, open on the Samsung Galaxy S6 first following submenu:

From the home screen on -> Menu -> Settings -> Device Information

You will find here now, select "Build Number". Now tap several times in quick succession to this, so as to enable the developer mode.

After about seven times touching the entry "build number" appears at the bottom of the screen a message box with "developer mode enabled".

This you can now "Menu -> Settings" located directly to the left of the device information. Have you opened it, then you see the "USB debugging" option.

Sets a tick in the checkbox to enable this feature on your Samsung Galaxy S 6. This mode starts automatically once if your smartphone is connected to the computer via USB cable and is responsible for ensuring that the Samsung Galaxy S 6 is recognized as a media device.

You can now without problems with your computer to access the internal memory of the Galaxy S6 and music, videos, photos etc. back and forth copy.

You know now how to turn on the Galaxy S6, the USB debugging.

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