+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Android: Rename folder on the home screen

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Who the Android operating system has on his smartphone running, as for example, with most Samsung Galaxy smartphone is the case, which may on its homescreen quickly and easily create folders, in which he can move App's etc..

Need to create such a folder you call via the Options button, the menu in which the then point "add" must be selected. There can now be selected the item "Folder" and later in "New Folder". Then, the folder can now be named.

Now to actually question: How can you rename an existing folder on the home screen again?

We want you now declare:

To rename a folder again, open the folder where you even click on them. It now appears the content folder in a new window. In the upper left corner you can see the folder name. Clicking appear with a tap on the folder name and keep him out until the window where you can rename the folder. Now selects the new folder name and goes on OK to accept the setting.

Congratulations! You have now renamed Android an existing folder on the home screen of your smartphone.

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