+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Samsung Galaxy S6 Enable power button lock screen

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
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The factory setting is on the Samsung Galaxy S6 activated that once you press and release the Power On / Off button, the lock screen of your smartphone is activated. This feature is designed to make the rapid Lock your smartphone possible, without having to wait for the time-out.

This function can also be inconvenient because you every time you activate the lock screen, then again must use your Entsperrmethode as Pin, fingerprint etc..

That is why we tell you now how to disable on the Samsung Galaxy S6 quick lock means Anschalttaste.

Navigate to please: Menu -> Settings -> Device Security -> Secure Lock Settings

Find now the option "On / Off" immediately sperren.Berühren the knob to set this feature from "active" to "inactive" to. Finished!

You can now lock screen no longer activate using the Power On / Off button on the Samsung Galaxy S6.

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