+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Android Lollipop Large Text with SMS messages app - Solved!

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you notice on your Android Lollipop that the font of SMS messages in the Android app is very large, then you have accidentally activated the following settings: change font size with Laustärketasten

By pressing the Volume + or - button you can change the text of the SMS either enlarge or shrink. If you do not want to use on your Android smartphone Lollipop this feature, we explain here how you can disable this feature in the settings. Please proceed as follows:

Open the home screen: Menu -> Settings -> section "Applications" -> News

In the next submenu select now please "Display". Now you can see the correct option already: "change font size"

Remove Here's the hook to clear the Change the font size using the volume keys. Finished! So now you know why the SMS were shown very big suddenly in the news app from Android Lollipop on your smartphone.

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