+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Add Widgets Samsung Galaxy Tab 4  homescreen

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

You can show on your Samsung Galaxy Tab4  the homescreen with so-called widgets. Widgets include information from apps. Adding Widgets on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 homescreen, you can easily access data within an app. We tell you now, as you can add the home screen  a widget on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 .

For this, please open the app menu. At the top of the screen you will now see two tabs: menu and widgets

Select here please "Widgets" from. You will now see a list of all available widgets. Search now a widget that you want to place on your homescreen of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4.

To add a widget homescreen of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 , hold this down until it can be placed on the home screen. Do you have a vacancy found, let it go and it will be placed there.

You just successfully homescreen of your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 added a new widget. If you want to add more widgets, then repeat the workaround described.

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