+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Remove Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Flipboard on homescreen

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4, the app Flipboard factory within the Android system preinstalled and activated. You can open Flipboard, scroll once on the home screen to the far left. It now appears the widget of Flipboard. Very few of you will Flipboard need in everyday life, which is why you wish to hide these applications with security on your home screen. We show you how you have to proceed should:

Return at your Samsung Galaxy Note 4 back to the Home screen and typed there long on an empty spot. The homescreen should now shrink and bring more options to light. Wipes now to the left until your the homescreen page gets displayed with Flipboard. You can here see at the top a small checkbox. Distant in this hook to disable Flipboard on the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

If you then return, the Flipboard app will no longer appear on your Samsung Galaxy Note 4 homescreen. You have successfully hidden Flipboard.

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