+5 votes

Import Samsung Galaxy S5 WhatsApp messages

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If the new Samsung Galaxy S5 bought, then you want to transfer with security also your WhatsApp messages from your "old" phone, so they are not lost. Unfortunately, there is currently no automatic backup and restore solution for WhatsApp messages. That is why we would like to now give a guide on how to WhatsApp messages from an old Android smartphone transfers and restores to the new Samsung Galaxy S5.

And as you proceed as follows.

Save the complete WhatsApp folder from your old phone to your computer. To do this, connect your smartphone via a USB cable to the PC. When this was recognized as a mass storage device, scroll to a PC running Windows to:

My Computer -> Mobile Device -> Phone

Here you will now find the folder "WhatsApp". This must now be completely copied and saved as on your desktop. You have now successfully made the backup of your old WhatsApp messages.

You can now upload this on your Samsung Galaxy S5. You must first remove WhatsApp of the Samsung Galaxy S5 or uninstall, if you have it already installed. Did this step executes, onnect the Samsung Galaxy S5 also via USB cable to the PC and move them into the folder "Phone", so the root of the Samsung Galaxy S5. The previously made backup WhatsApp

When you have finished this step, you install WhatsApp again in the Samsung Galaxy S5, by downloading it for example from the Google Play Store.

Then open "WhatsApp" on your Samsung Galaxy S5 and follow the instructions on the display. It is then the following screen will appear:


Now tap Restore. This will import all WhatsApp messages from the backup to your Samsung Galaxy S5. You will be shown, see all of your messages from WhatsApp again. Your Restore has therefore worked out perfectly! Congratulations!

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