+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Change Samsung Galaxy S5 NEO LED color for WhatsApp

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

That is why we tell you now, as you can change the light color of the LED Neo in notifications of new WhatsApp messages on the Samsung Galaxy S5.

1. Navigate from the Home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo from: Menu -> WhatsApp

2. Typing in the news summary on "More"

3. A pop-opens, must be selected in the now "Settings"

4. Navigates now on "Notifications".

5. In the section "Notifications" you can now see "light" the entry. Typing on this and you can choose from seven different colors of light color, which should light upon receipt of WhatsApp messages on the Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo.

We recommend you for WhatsApp messages the color "green" to choose (green WhatsApp icon). Whenever now enters into a new WhatsApp message on the Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo, then you will be notified about it with a green glow of the status LED.

+4 votes

Ok I sent a post about my wife having this same issue with the rainbow color light staying on and we have figured it out.

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