+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
The suitability of the Samsung Galaxy S5 for underwater photos while snorkeling?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Should you own a Samsung Galaxy S5, then you know also determined that this is waterproof. Maybe this does for you now the question:

Is the Samsung Galaxy S5 to make suitable snorkeling underwater photos?

This question we would like to answer briefly here and give some advice.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is indeed installed waterproof and IP67 certified, this does not mean necessarily that the smartphone is suitable for underwater photos.

The IP76 stands for:

6 - Dustproof
7 - Protection against temporary immersion
The certification 7 for temporary immersion is for a water depth of max. 1 meter and a maximum time of 30 minutes under water. For salt water is not such a protection! These regulations are usually below a snorkeling trip.

That's why you should use the Samsung Galaxy S5 not for underwater photos because the risk is very high, the water penetrates into the housing.

For snorkeling, we recommend you one of the following underwater cameras.

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