+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S5 location of voice memos with the voice recorder

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you use the voice recorder app on the Samsung Galaxy S5 and thus a sound recording working, then you might want to know where on your smartphone this sound file is saved.

In this article you will learn where you will have a sound file that was included with the dictation app stores.

To do this open the first thing on the home screen, the menu and then the File Manager "My Documents". Now there are two ways where you can find the sound file of the dictation.

Internal device memory:

To find the file, and tap:

Device Memory -> Sounds

External Device memory:

SD card -> Sounds

You can now find your recordings of the dictation file in the following format: Sprachmemo.m4a

You know now where to find on the Samsung Galaxy S5 voice memos you have recorded with voice recorder app.

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