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Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Performing a soft reset if nothing works

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

If your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 responds while running an app or another application system suddenly no longer in touch inputs, then you have the so-called "Freeze" problem. Freeze means frozen. The screen responds neither to inputs, yet can be made via the home button or other button anything. If this is the case for your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, then it helps only carry out a so-called soft reset.

As such a soft reset, which results in a restart of the device works, we explain now:

In order to trigger the soft reset, press and hold the Power On / Off button for about 12 seconds. Subsequently, the display immediately black and the Samsung Galaxy Tab is 4 restarts.

Afterwards you can work as usual with your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 again. Nevertheless, it is advisable to check where the "Freeze" the screen came from and how these errors can be corrected in the future. Tip: Check whether your new apps you downloaded from the Market. This can lead to Kompabilitätsproblemen with your Tab.

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