+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Removing the Picasa albums my android

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

I must admit that it is very comfortable to have linked everything related to Google in the various Android devices have. But sometimes there are things in my phone or tablet do not want to have on my computer, like photos, for example. To do this, simply disable automatic backup of Google.

However, thanks to the synchronization of Google, each picture we've done with the phone, and automatically uploaded to Google+, has created his own album in Picasa, with its copy on the photo gallery of your phone.

If this is your case, and you annoy the numerous updates that Picasa requires your mobile, do not worry, because remove the albums of our phone is very simple. Suffice are two simple steps:

Removing Picasa Albums

1. Stop synchronizing Picasa albums

Before removing the albums that we have created in our mobile, we must prevent it continues to create more. To do so will make these steps:

  • Access our phone settings
  • Search section Email Accounts
  • Enter our Google account
  • Select our Gmail
  • Synchronize disable the Picasa web albums

It is important to note that to stop synchronizing these images are not stopping the automatic uploading of images to Google+. Similarly, neither the photos we already have stored in the cloud of Picasa will be deleted. Otherwise we are preventing the photos in the gallery on our phone automatically created unwanted albums.

2. Remove Picasa albums gallery

Once I managed to stop Picasa sync photos to your terminal, new folders no longer appear in the image gallery of our mobile. But the albums that were already created will still be displayed. Let us go to eliminate them from our photo gallery:

  • Phone settings Access
  • Select Application Manager
  • Slide the screen from right to left to find the All tab
  • Slide the screen down looking for the Gallery app
  • Select Gallery
  • Click on Delete Data

Performing these simple steps will achieve clear annoying Picasa albums which were already synchronized with your phone, but still, to erase data delete no more photos of the gallery. Images continue preserving local calls, which are made with the phone and we have received through any instant messaging system, email, etc ... But we deleted photos or files virtual clouds.

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