+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Disable Samsung Galaxy S6 notifications from Clash of Clans

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

If the game Clash of Clans play on your Samsung Galaxy S6, then you will be informed at regular intervals about new achievements or features of the game in the status bar. The notifications from Clash of Clans can interfere with the time, which is why you would like to disable this notification on the Samsung Galaxy S6. How this works in Android we want to explain to you now:

Opens to the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy S6 from the menu and then the Settings. Now scroll down a bit to your "Sounds and alerts" can see. Typing the entry and in the next sub-menu then "App notifications". Searches in the list that appears after Clash of Clans. Have you found the game, tapping it once and it will open the app notifications for Clash of Clans.

Now pushes the knob "lock Notifications" in from off to on. From now on, all notifications of Clash of Clans that are displayed by sound, vibration or display the status bar will no longer be active. So you will now no notifications of the game Clash of communities get on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

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