+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Disable Samsung Galaxy S6 App Update Notifications

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If an app is installed on your Samsung Galaxy S6, which is available in a newer version of the Google Play store, you will get about a notification in the status bar. This app update notifications can interfere in the long run, especially if you have many apps installed on your Samsung Galaxy S 6. We show you why, how to disable on the Samsung Galaxy S6 alerts app updates in the Google Play Store. For this purpose, please complete the following is happening:

Opens the Market app "Google Play" on your Samsung Galaxy S 6.

Subtracting from the left edge of the display the menu bar in the center. In this menu within the Google Play stores you can now tap "Settings". You can now see various settings. Scroll down a bit until you select "app updates available" and "Apps are updated automatically" see can. Removes both checkboxes tick, thus the app update notifications no longer display in the status bar of your Samsung Galaxy S 6. Finished!

You now know how to hide on the Samsung Galaxy S 6, the app update notifications from Google Play stores in the notification bar.

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