+3 votes
by (40.6k points)


3 Answers

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
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Install ADB on Windows

Almost always we need to install a version of the new system, make root or flash a rom need to connect your device to your computer in ADB mode. Here we first doubt arises what is the ADB mode?

Android Debug Bridge
When we speak of ADB mode we mean Android Debug Bridge. Which is part of the Android SDK. Basically, we enable a connecting bridge between your computer and your terminal, allowing us to interact on the file system device.

Now that we know who is the ADB mode, see how we can set our computers with Windows, Mac OS X or Linux to connect to ADB so if we have a Nexus device.

So this is the recipe today, but first remember that:

wikiwhy not responsible for any destruction to happen to your Android or your computer ...

Install ADB on Windows

One of the best options and perhaps the fastest is installed on our Windows ADB and Fastboot Minimal.


1-First activate development options as we explained Joan in this post.

2-Will download the ADB and Fastboot Minimal from the following link. The program provides us with the ADB and fastboot tools found within the Android SDK.

3-We install the program without changing the default installation directory. By the time you finish the program should be run (provided that no desmarquemos the ADB and Fastboot Minimal Launch option).

4-We will download the Google USB drivers from here. The accessible somewhere will extract such as desktop.

5-Connect your device via USB on the PC. Now we go to Control Panel and will click on View devices and printers. We named MTP device shall appear, we will click the right mouse button above and will click Properties.


After opening the change to the Hardware tab window, select the appropriate Nexus (in this case the Nexus5), click on the Properties button in the new window that appears we push on Change settings. Now is the time to give Update the driver.

We follow the wizard by selecting seeking drivers where we unzipped the drivers of Google and will press Next. If all goes well it should be this way.

A message also appears on our device asking if we grant permissions to your computer to use USB Debugging. Select the check box to enable long will press on OK.

6-Now if we introduce the following command "adb devices" in the command console us a message should appear like this:


+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Adb Install Mac OS X

Adb Install Mac OS X

One of the best ways is to download OS X tools directly from Google.

As with all operating systems, we enable development options.

2-To run the Android SDK we need to have the Java environment installed on your computer. From here you can check if it is installed on your system, if not

3-Download the ZIP of the SDK-Tools Only to correspond with Mac OSX from Google website.

4-Extract the ZIP file where you want.

5-Will access the folder we unzipped. navigate to the Tools folder inside the folder you have unzipped and run the file named android.

6-Now in the Windows SDK Android SDK Manager will seek Platform-tools and packages will click Install. Opens a new window where we asked to accept the license packages, and accept the installed SDK Manager.

7-Open the Terminal application, which is available under Applications and then in the Utilities folder. Now open the "sdk" folder and see that there is a folder called "platform-tools". Back to the terminal and introduce the "cd" command thereupon drag the "platform-tools" folder to the terminal window running something like "cd / Users / Lluis / Desktop / sdk / platform-tools" and will press on the key intro.


8-Once we are in the "platform tools" folder we can run the adb, for example we can see if it works correctly using the command "./adb devices". The device ask us if we accept the connection from the computer, and if all goes well should look like:


+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Install ADB on Linux

Install ADB on Linux


As in OSX the best way is to download the sdk directly from Google.

1-As with all operating systems, we enable development options.

2-To run the Android SDK we need to have the Java environment installed on your computer. From here you can check if it is installed on your system, if it is not installed will be able to download it from the web of Java.

3-Will download the ZIP of the SDK-Tools Only that correspond to Linux from Google's website.

4-Extract the ZIP file where you want.

5-Now open the Terminal application. Once opened, if our system is 64 bits we install a 32-bit environment, these are the commands that would be used in Centos:

sudo yum install glibc-devel.i686 glibc.i686 libstdc ++. i686 zlib-devel.i686 ncurses-devel.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXrender.i686 libXrandr.i686

We will press the button to request us to continue the installation.
Keep in mind that depending on the distribution this command will change.

6-Will access the folder we unzipped. navigate to the Tools folder inside the folder you have unzipped and run the file named android.

7-Now in the Windows SDK Android SDK Manager will seek Platform-tools and packages will click Install. Opens a new window where we asked to accept the license packages, and accept the installed SDK Manager.

8-Now we enter the "android-tools" folder that is available within the "SDK" folder. To do this we introduce the "cd" command and drag the folder from our file browser or directly from the terminal

"Cd / home / your_username / sdk / platform-tools" (if you have left the sdk folder within your home).

9-Now we can check if it works using the command

./adb devices

IF everything worked well, us the following message appears on the device, and we report on the terminal screen that has detected the device.

As you can see, in some systems may seem more complicated than some other steps, but assured that following the steps well and with confidence we can get. And you know any questions you have we will try to resolve it in the comments.

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